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PowerDyn OBD

Due to the increasing amount of cars equipped with diagnostic capabilities, we have released a special version, PowerDyn OBD V1 for cars meeting the OBDII/EOBD specifications. Thanks to diagnostic information, extra functions have been added in comparison with the standard version of Powerdyn.

New (beta in the 1.6 version) : you can use PowerDyn OBD on rollers too.

•  Works on all vehicles meeting the OBDII/EOBD requirements, petrol or diesel engined.
•  Compatible with all ELM 323 and ELM 327 PC based diagnostic tools and precisely Scantool, Elmcan
•  Translated in four languages: French, English, German and Italian with an english and french support
•  Measure of power and of torque depending on the rpm
•  Measurement of braking distances (free)
•  Measurement of fuel consumption (free)
•  Measurement of acceleration (400 m D.A, 1000m D.A)
•  Automatic detection of gear ratios (Powerdyn exclusivity)
•  Automatic detection of the SCx (Powerdyn exclusivity)
•  Multiple chart functions, zoom, printing, export (certainly the most advanced graphical interface in comparison with all other available dyno software)
•  Highly competitive pricing

All these features make PowerDyn OBD a unique power bench of its generation and by far the most accessible.

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