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The current version of Powerdyn is 2.73

PowerDyn is THE perfect alternative to costly rolling road setups. It will give valuable information of the influence from modifications of the following parameters (non exhaustive) :

•  Air/fuel ratio, ignition timing, fuel quality, chip tuning, air filters, Exhaust systems, Intake manifolds, Carburettors...
•  Aerodynamic modifications (wheels, spoilers...)

PowerDyn is positioned as the ideal performance measurement tool for anyone who is seeking to get the maximum performance out of his/her vehicule let it be for competition or every day use.

The highly competitive pricing should not leave professionals in doubt when comparing with systems costing 100 times more. PowerDyn is professionaly orientated and has proved to give outstanding results in comparison with traditional rolling roads, you will be in a position to show your customers the benefits of the modifications carried out and certainly pay off faster than any other Dynamometer available.

Please investigate! No other product is as complete as PowerDyn at this price. Below is the complete list of the features included in PowerDyn :

•  Two methods of data logging: real time or via Wav file (see Instructions for more detail on the data logging)
•  Real time rpm meter (rev counter)
•  Visualization of the data logging parameters
•  Power and Torque graphs versus rpm
•  Rpm / time Graph
•  Rpm / Speed Graph, used for simulation and evaluation of gearbox ratios. (Tyre Size is configurable).
•  Acceleration / Speed Graph, used to determine your maximum speed and best gear change rpm.
•  Comparison graph of several tests or vehicles.
•  Time / Distance Simulation from a given V1 speed to V2 speed.
•  Estimate of 0-100km/h, 400m and 1000m (stop start).
•  Speed and distance versus time Graph.
•  Power Available and Power Consumed Graph according to the gear.
•  Graph Printing, Exports and Imports

You can of course modify the characteristics of your vehicle (for example gear ratios, final drive, weight, tyre dimensions...) and instantly view the impact directly on the graphs and simulations proposed.

The free evaluation version that you can download is limited in two ways :

•  It is impossible to add new vehicles
•  It is impossible to perform data logging

However it gives you the opportunity to fully appreciate the possibilities of PowerDyn before buying a licence.

Registering your copy gives you full access to free technical support and FUTUR UPGRADES FREE OF CHARGE.

Further information on how PowerDyn works, please consult the online instructions

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